Friday, January 13, 2012

Another Boy!

So it's a boy.  There was no doubt, when the sonographer found the between-the-legs money shot and yup, there was definitely some equipment down there.  I'm ecstatic to have another little guy, a playmate for Xander, someone else for Scott to pass down his 'man lore' to.  There's just something about snugly little boys with big, loving, trusting eyes that make this mommy's heart turn into play dough.  Do what you will with me, little one, because I'm all yours.

With every pregnancy I'm amazed all over again when the little life begins to move inside me.  I know the science and technicalities behind conception and fetal growth, but you can't tell me this isn't a miracle.  And with this baby, every time he moves it feels like he's saying, "It's OK, Mommy.  I'm here.  I'm safe.  I'm growing.  See you soon."  How is it that this little guy is already connected to my heart and I've only ever heard his?

When I pray for him, he jumps inside me.  When I have moments of worry or some latent fear starts sneaking up on me, he jumps inside me.  Just now as I wrote this and pondered our connection, my heart full, he jumped inside me.  What a special little man he is going to be.  

God in Heaven orders the paths for our feet, He numbers our days, He reigns supreme and loving.  Sorrow may last for a night, but joy really does come in the morning, when you find your joy in the only One who remains unchanging.  

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